CPG Product Lifecycle: The GROW Stage

In the growth stage, you have a young plant filled with vitality that is actively trying to reach its full potential. It has gotten there through regular care: watering, fertilizing, the right amount of sun, and even pruning. You may even see a little bit of fruit, and you are able, for a moment, to relish in the fruits of your labor.

For consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands, the growth stage refers to the revenue-producing time after launch. You may have gotten some distribution or started to see e-commerce sales pick up. Consumers are beginning to interact with your product, and you have a good grasp of your velocity benchmarks.

Growth mode is an exciting time at any CPG organization with the marketing and sales engines on full throttle and the tangible possibility of reaching your broader brand goals. This period can also be quite overwhelming internally as there's a lot to do with few resources with not a lot of hands to go around. Team members need to wear many different hats and are often stretched thin.

Gardeners know that the growth stage also comes with its stressors as it requires a watchful eye to ensure everything is going to plan. The growth stage is all about refinements. It is the time to double down on what is working and forget what is not. 


CPG Product Lifecycle: The COMPOST Stage


CPG Product Lifecycle: The SEED Stage